1. The Members Terms
T.H. Lee Book Co., Ltd. also known as T.H. Lee Book Co., online ordering textbooks (http://bksup.hk/) (hereinafter referred to as the Services) pursuant to the terms of the service. When you complete the member registration procedure and start using the Service, it indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to all the terms of the Service. T.H. Lee Book Co. has the right at any time to modify or change the contents of this agreement. It is recommended that you pay attention to such amendments or changes. If you continue to use the Service after any modifications or changes, we will assume that you have read, understood and accept the subsequent amendments and changes in this agreement.

If you are a minor under 18 years of age, your parents (guardians) should read, understand and agree to all the contents of this agreement and its subsequent amendments or changes. Once you registered as a member and continue to use the Service, we presume that your parents (guardians) have read, understood, agreed and accept to the terms of this agreement and its subsequent amendments or changes.

2. the company's intellectual property rights
T.H.Lee Book Co., Ltd website content is protected by the intellectual property rights. The editing of the content (including its collection, arrangement and combination) is the exclusive property of T.H.Lee Book Co., Ltd and is under the protection of the copyright law of Hong Kong SAR and the international copyright law. Users have the right to download part of the content for online ordering books or services. Other usages, such as copy, modify, distribute, transmit, display or for performance purposes are strictly prohibited, except such as the law permits

3. The Members’ Obligations
In order to use our service, members must agree and comply with relevant law and regulations listed below:
Members must provide us with correct, current and complete information (hereunder referred as “Member Information”).
Maintain and promptly update the “Member Information” to ensure it is true, current and complete. If members provide us with incorrect, false, outdated or incomplete information, or our Company has reasonable ground to suspect that the information given is incorrect, false or outdated then our Company has the right without notification to terminate the use of the account.

4. Members Account and Security
After you complete the Service registration, you will have a password and an account number. You will be held wholly responsible for the use of the password and the account and agree to the following:

  • 1. If your password and account is being used by unauthorized personnel, or other safety problems occur, notify our Company at once.  
  • 2. After each transaction service, make sure you end the account transaction. If you fail to comply with this provision, our Company will not be responsible for any loss or damage.

5.Member Information and Privacy Policy
With regard to the information supplied and log in with us, our Company agrees that without your consent, we will not disclose our members students names, telephone number, e-mail address and any other legal protected personal data, with the exception of
  • 1. Under the judicial and legal authority requiring such information
  • 2. For the protection of the interests and property of our Company
  • 3. In case of emergency for the safeguard of a third party safety.
  • 4. 4. Members login information and data, our Company will have your consent to the extent of permitting by law to the collection, processing,

         preservation, transmit and use of the relevant information for statistical data, surveys or studies.

  • 5. Members basic information retain with us, our Company will not sell or supply to a third party (an individual, companies or organization).

6. Disruption of Service
If the following conditions occur, our Company has the right to disrupt and suspend the service:

  • 1. When our electronic communication systems undergo general maintenance or repair.
  • 2. The sudden occurrence of electronic communication failure, natural disaster or any causes attribute to our Company unable to carry out the service

7. Disclaimer

When there is a problem with the supply of goods, such as the publishers or suppliers out of stock, and will not reprint, we will refund the deposit in full to the customers. Customers cannot demand any compensation from our Company and our Company will not make any form of compensation.